Quarterly Masses of Participation by people with disabilities
Specialty Masses
God’s Special Children, Metairie: 1st Sunday of Month, St. Francis Xavier, Metairie at 2 pm
God's Northshore Blessings, Mandeville: 3rd Sunday of Month, Our Lady of the Lake, Mandeville at 2 pm
God’s Northshore Blessings, Slidell: 2nd Sunday of Month, Our Lady of Lourdes, Slidell at 2 pm
Bi-annual Formation Workshops
Next workshop is scheduled for Saturday, November 2, 2024. For flier, click here.https://store.loyolapress.com/how-to-catechize-children-with-developmental-disabilities
Responding to the Social Determinants of Mental Health by Fr. Ragan Schriver, Catholic Charities USA https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AgjrkSORQt5-mfslkfY9mzG1sBmL_Vms/view
Creating Health Communities: Understanding Human Life and Dignity for those Experiencing Mental Health Conditions by Rebecca A. Yazzie, PhD, LCSW, George Fox University
Mental Health Ministry: Roots in the Social Doctrine of the Church by Chris Miller, Ed.D, Council on Mental Illness, National Catholic Partnership on Disability and Lisa Ziv, National Alliance on Mental Illness https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WMsgz6HP6OnX6Fe7UF-su2V4tRoxUJzV/view
Mental Health Ministry in Our Dioceses by Dcn. Ed Shoener, Diocese of Scranton