We pray for all life, from conception until death, especially the most vulnerable, and in this month of February, we pray in a special way for all victims, survivors and perpetrators of human trafficking.
1st Sorrowful Mystery - AGONY in the GARDEN
As Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane, He sees the suffering of all those with whom He will unite Himself. He asks us to awaken to the suffering of our many sisters and brothers who have been trafficked for sex and for labor, including many children in our own country, state, and even our city.
2nd Sorrowful Mystery - The SCOURGING at the PILLAR
Christ is chained to a pillar and flogged until his entire body is covered with deep wounds. When the dignity our sisters and brothers is insulted in sex or labor trafficking, it is Jesus the Suffering Servant who is scourged again and again.
3rd Sorrowful Mystery - THE CROWNING with THORNS
In the Praetorium, Jesus is mocked, spat upon and crowned with thorns. Perpetrators of human trafficking mock and spit upon the gift of human dignity given to each and every person, including themselves.
4th Sorrowful Mystery - The CARRYING of the CROSS
With His body battered and bruised from torture, Jesus carried the cross along the road to Calvary. When a person is trafficked and exploited, systematically and repeatedly, their body AND spirit become abused and defiled.
5th Sorrowful Mystery - The CRUCIFIXION
On Golgotha, the hands and feet of Jesus are nailed to a cross, and His side is pierced with a lance. Unlike morally acceptable, lawful organ donations, it is a sin when body parts are forcibly taken from victims who are trafficked, and possibly killed in the process.