There are 1.2 billion Catholics in this world and New Orleans is home to about half a million of them. So just what is the Catholic Church and what does it mean to be Catholic?
The Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ and his Apostles. There are four marks or characteristics of the Church, and we are reminded of them each time we pray the Nicene Creed at Mass.
But being Catholic is more than attending Mass on Sundays. It is an ongoing personal encounter with Christ that renews the spirit so that we may witness God’s love with joy in our world. How do we do that?
Each Catholic is called to full and active participation in the life of the Church and has the right and responsibility to:
Encountering Christ and being a witness to his love means we are called to live like Jesus and work for justice and peace in this world by living the 10 Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, and the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
We are called to stand for the:
To learn more about the Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching click here.
Want to know more? Click here to talk with someone in our Office of Religious Education or here to speak with someone about Evangelization!