“I am following the example of Pope Francis,” the archbishop said. “In his first year as pope, he went to a detention center and washed the feet of 12 kids and told them that they were loved by God, that the future was in their hands. It really inspired me. I would like to follow that example.
In this NOLA Tricentennial flashback, the Clarion Herald shares how the mass migration from San Domingue (now known as Haiti) shaped the the population, culture, and faith life of New Orleans.
Approaching Holy Thursday and the celebration of the Institution of the Eucharist one #NOLA local is anxious to receive the Eucharist for the first time after being "Ko"ed by Christ.
Ultimately, Lent is one giant risk...but, we willingly take that risk each year because we desire a newness that we intuitively know only God can provide.
Well, you've done it. You AND your children have, somehow, against all odds, survived through to these last few days of Lent. Though for a while there, it looked like you might succumb to acute lack of coffee / Netflix / Facebook, you've made it. And now you need to figure out how to make Holy Week solemn, meaningful, and memorable for your kids. Without a whole lot of effort or advance planning on your part.
"As members of his Body we offer our whole selves – even our stomachs – to be crucified with Christ, giving up extra comforts, unnecessary meals, and even our social life, so as to more tangibly accompany him who laid down his very life itself for our sake." - Fr. Stephan Dardis
Barré’s meatless hits include a pasta salad of tricolored rotini, boiled shrimp, cubed cheeses, egg, artichoke hearts and sundried tomatoes tossed with ranch dressing freshened with minced cucumber. She perks it up with her go-to seasoning mix – Boone’s Texas Shake – available online and a sweeter-than-Tony’s combo of sugar, cayenne, paprika and celery seed.
A new endowment fund at Notre Dame Seminary will help Catholic seminarians better understand Orthodox-Catholic Relations. The inaugural Dathel and John D. Georges Endowment presentation was held March 2 featuring ArchPriest Archpriest Andrew Louth, an internationally recognized Orthodox scholar of the Russian Orthodox Church in England, who spoke about three major factors that led to the split and that still divide the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic churches.