Today, May 30, is the Feast of St. Joan of Arc, Patroness of New Orleans! Learn more about her extraordinary, holy life with Franciscan Media (Photo from St. Louis Cathedral - Cathedral-Basilica of St. Louis King of France)
It’s hot outside and kids are home from school (or on a homeschooling break). Everyone is looking to make plans to fill June, July, and August with activities, vacations, events, and fun. Rather than sit around and watch Netflix all day (though there’s no harm in viewing “The Office” for a tenth time through), here are some uniquely Catholic things you, your friends, and family can do this summer.
How parishes and ministries of the local Catholic Church are putting the synod theme of "Encountering Jesus. Witnessing with Joy" to work for the people of God.
Although they are difficult to make out from the ground floor of St. Alphonsus Church in New Orleans, the unpretentious stained-glass emblems located along the church’s balcony level hint at a much larger story. Each of these lofty images has a thematic connection to the main stained-glass scene directly below it.
Four deacons will be ordained as priests for the Archdiocese of New Orleans at a Mass of Ordination June 2 at 10 a.m. at St. Louis Cathedral. The deacons are Vincent Nguyen, Dominic Arcuri, Cletus Orji and Thien Nguyen.
The parenting struggle of children's behavior in Mass is real and we know it! Check out the latest from Witness to Love: Parish Marriage Prep Renewal Ministry on their blog at the National Catholic Register
The original day of Pentecost saw dramatic events that are important to the life of the Church. But where did the feast of Pentecost come from? How can we understand what happened on it? And what does it mean for us today? Here are 8 things to know and share about it . . .
In his column this week editor-in-chief Peter Finney Jr. shares the little-known story about the Adult Education Center, a small place with a big impact driven mostly by one woman's drive to see others succeed.
As the local Catholic Church prepares to ordain Transitional Deacons, Priests, and Permanent Deacons to minister to the people of God in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Archbishop Aymond explains the Rites of Ordination and talks about the significance of this ritual being handed down from Jesus' apostles.