To create a new VIRTUS platform click on the button below:
VIRTUS® Programs is a comprehensive Safe Environment training platform for adults and children. The Protecting God’s Children® Program and the Vulnerable Adult training will be the official training for clergy, religious, and laity (employees or volunteers) and children.
The corresponding VIRTUS database is an online portal that provides access to your Safe Environment account. All archdiocesan users will have access to their previous training records within the database.
If you had an existing account on CMG, your USERNAME is the same.
Please use it rather than creating a new account.
When it is time for clergy, religious, and laity (employees and volunteers) to obtain recertification training (every 3 years) or conduct a criminal background check (every 3 years), you will receive an automatic email notification from the VIRTUS website to access your account. The system will refer all users to the criminal background check portal as necessary.
The criminal background check clearance migrates to your Virtus acount. If there is a criminal report on the background check, it is sent to the Safe Environment Coordinator who consults with Archdiocese of New Orleans legal counsel prior to clearance in Virtus.
Criminal background checks in some states carry an additional court service fee, for example New York is an additional $95.00.
All clergy, religious, and laity (employees and volunteers) must log-in to Virtus yearly to review and acknowledge our Safe Environment policies for the protection of children, youth and vulnerable adults .
Clergy, religous, and laity (employee and volunteer) training includes Louisiana mandated reporting laws; recognition and prevention of abuse or neglect of minors or vulnerable adults; understanding the effects abuse and neglect have on a child or an adult; and policies and procedures of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Children and youth in the Archdiocese of New Orleans are required to participate yearly in developmentally appropriate child protection training. Safe Environment training takes place in all religious education programs, family faith formation programs, Catholic Schools and youth ministries.
Thank you for sharing your time and talent with the local church and thank you for your diligence in making our churches, schools, and ultimately our communities a safe place for all of God’s children.
Office of Child and Youth Protection
Archdiocese of New Orleans
If you have any questions, please contact your parish, school or organization.
Safe Environment compliance for clergy, religious, and laity (employees and volunteers) is required prior to working with children, youth or vulnerable adults in the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Each parish, school or related entity is responsible for compliance with Safe Environment training, criminal background checks and yearly policy reviews for their employees and volunteers.
Clergy compliance with training, criminal background checks and policy acknowledgement
is the responsibility of the Office of Priest Personnel and the Diaconate Office.
If a criminal record is found in running a background check the parish, school or related entity contacts the Safe Environment Coordinator who consults with the Legal Office of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.