The archdiocesan Department of Catholic Education and Faith Formation will act in the best interest of students and faculty and will not make decisions that will endanger any member of our school communities.
In consultation with civil authorities, Catholic schools in the following civil parishes will be closed on Tuesday, January 21st - Washington Parish, St. Tammany Parish, St. Bernard Parish and St. John the Baptist Parish
For Catholic Schools in St. Charles Parish, Plaquemines Parish, Orleans Parish and Jefferson Parish, we will proceed as follows: Prepare all members of your school communities for the possibility of closure or remote instruction on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21-22. Families should have a contingency plan in place for care for their children in the event that school is cancelled. We will make a decision regarding closure or remote learning on Monday by noon and will ask you to communicate that information directly to your families at that time.
We will make a decision about Wednesday no later than noon on Tuesday. If conditions are questionable beyond Wednesday, we will continue to seek guidance from civil authorities.